
Name of law: General Act of Transparency and Access to Public Information
First adopted: 2002
Last modified: 2015-05
RTI Rating last updated: 2016-09


The Mexican right to information law is extremely strong, placing it amongst the top ten in the global RTI rankings. Accompanying the potent recognition of the right to information within the Mexican constitution, the law provides a perfect scope and an extremely compliant exceptions regime that is both harm-tested and trumps exemptions found within other legislation. Additionally, the law largely follows best international practices by establishing an external appeal route vis-a-vis a powerful and independent administrative oversight body. A key area for further improvement is the extension of a public interest override to the initial consideration with regards to exceptions. As the law currently stands, the public interest override is only applicable during reconsiderations. Other features to be added include defining an internal appeals route in the legislation and granting employees of the administrative oversight body legal immunities for acts undertaken in good faith in the exercise of duty under the RTI Law. Notwithstanding these slight flaws, the Mexican law is strong.

The law is also available in its Spanish original here.

Local Expert: Juan Pablo Guerrero Amparán