
Name of law: Loi organique n. 22-2016 du 24 Mars 2016 relative au droit d'Access á l'information
First adopted: 2011
Last modified: 2016-03
RTI Rating last updated: 2016-09


Tunisia supplements robust constitutional recognition of the right to information with a relatively strong RTI law. Notable features of the legislation are its comprehensive scope, which is reinforced by a compliant exceptions regime that is mostly in line with international standards. Most exemptions are harm-tested and all are subject to a public interest override, though the trump provision, a feature that prohibits exceptions in other legislation, could be explicitly improved. Another strong area for the RTI law is in the scheme’s appeals system, which enumerates both internal and external routes for reconsideration, with adequate independence-based safeguards concerning the latter. Although there are some areas for improvement, the law is generally strong.

The law is also available in its Arabic original here.

Local Expert: Nejib Mokni