
Name of law: Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance
First adopted: 2003
Last modified: 2010-01
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Similar to many other right to information laws in Central Europe, Serbian RTI legislation is exceptionally strong and lies near the top of the international rankings. Adopted in 2003, the law builds on the constitutionally protected right to information, with a strong broad scope and limited harm-tested exceptions in line with international standards. The law also provides for a multiple-route appeals system that permits judicial, internal, and external appeals, all of which have binding powers. The areas for further improvement are minimal, but the law could be enhanced by providing more explicit fee waivers for impecunious requesters and reductions in access fees more generally. Regardless, the Serbian law lies at the forefront of RTI legislation internationally and falls within the top ten worldwide. 

The law is also available in its Serbian original here.

Local Expert: Nemanja Nenadic