
Name of law: Right to Access information Law
First adopted: 2017
Last modified: n/a
RTI Rating last updated: n/a


Although the Lebanese RTI law is rather new, it is relatively weak overall, especially taking into account its very strong score in terms of scope (meaning that other categories perform poorly). In terms of procedures, there are limited obligations to assist requesters, no obligation to transfer requests which arrive at the wrong public authority or to respond as soon as possible, and strict limitations on re-use of the requested information. Several exceptions are not legitimate and/or not harm-tested, there is no public interest override and secrecy laws are preserved. Of particular concern is the system of appeals, with external appeals going to a so-called Anti-Corruption Body, which has yet to be established. There is no provision at all for either sanction or protections, although the law does reasonably well in terms of promotional measures.

The law is also available in its Arabic original here.