
Name of law: Duty to Grant Information Act
First adopted: 1987
Last modified: 2024-02
RTI Rating last updated: 2024-09


In 2024, Austria adopted its Federal Act on Access to Information, which replaced its previous RTI legislation, first adopted in 1987, in addition to passing certain related constitutional amendments. The new law will only come into effect in September 2025. Although the 2024 legislation represents an improvement over the previous law, which was among the weakest RTI laws globally, it still falls short of international standards in various respects and is overall quite weak. The most major shortcomings of the law pertain to its absence of an independent oversight body, providing instead only for appeals to the courts. A further major weakness is the absence of systems for sanctioning public authorities and for promotional measures. In addition, certain key details of the law, such as its harm test and public interest override, were left unaddressed in the main law and instead mentioned only in explanatory notes to the legislation, which is far from ideal. The law's explanatory notes, which are also referenced in this rating, can be accessed at

Local Experts: Markus (Fin) Hametner & Mathias Huter, Forum Informationsfreiheit